The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”), C.R.S. § 38-33.3-101, et seq, was amended in 2013. Two statutory amendments were made by HB 1276 and HB 1277. HB 1276 has been referred to as the “HOA Debt Collection Bill”. The legislature has continued to define and control collection procedures of HOAs to address what the […]
News and Insights
Is your will up to date? Do you have powers of attorney delegating financial and medical authority to a trusted family member or advisor? Do you have a living will? If not, spending some time updating your will and other estate planning documents would be a good holiday gift to your family, or a New […]
Three Ways to Empowerment When clients make appointments for “estate planning”, they tend to be focused on how they leave their property when they pass away. While this is, of course very important, we always stress that an estate plan is incomplete without properly drafted “powers of attorney.” A power of attorney is a legal […]
Spouses, Partners, Children & Uncertainty The Colorado Civil Union Act’s Legislative Declaration states that its purpose is to provide eligible couples (typically same-sex couples) the opportunity to obtain the same benefits, protections and responsibilities that Colorado law provides to spouses of a legal marriage. It seems a simple enough idea – just replace “spouse” with “partner […]