News and Insights

Ins and Outs of Liquor Licensing

Submitted by Adele L. Reester Have a liquor license or thinking about getting one for your business: knowing the ins and outs can make all the difference.Liquor licensing of restaurants, taverns, stores, and other establishments is governed by a variety of state laws and regulations, legal decisions, and local rules established by individual Local Licensing […]

Colorado Water Law Legislation Update

Submitted by Jeffrey J. Kahn Proposed Water Legislation and Ballot Initiative Legislation:  The 2014 Colorado Legislative Session convened on January 8th and several pending bills appear headed for enactment, including: Relocation of Headgate without a Change Case.  HB-1005 clarifies that relocation of a headgate upstream may be allowed without a change of water right if […]

Public Benefit Corporations

Have You Heard? Public Benefit Corporations Submitted by Suzan D. Fritchel Beginning in April, 2014, Colorado will have a new business entity: the Public Benefit Corporation. The Colorado State Legislature recently passed a bill authorizing a new form of business entity called the Public Benefit Corporation. This new entity will be “for profit,” but the […]

Three Ways to Empowerment When clients make appointments for “estate planning”,  they tend to be focused on how they leave their property when they pass away.    While this is, of course very important,  we always stress that an estate plan is incomplete without properly drafted “powers of attorney.” A power of attorney is a legal […]