And what goes better with holiday festivities than lots of wine and spirits? If you are the hosting one of these gatherings, should you be worried about your responsibility for the person who has had too much to drink? If that person gets in his car and winds up hurting someone are you responsible? Assuming this is purely a social event, the answer is no – sort of. Under Colorado Revised Statute 12-47-804 a social host cannot be held responsible for injuries caused by a person who became intoxicated at your party. The exception to the rule is if the host “knowingly served any alcohol beverage to such person who was under the age of twenty-one years or knowingly provided the person under the age of twenty-one a place to consume an alcoholic beverage.” This liability extends even to minors who may sneak a beer for friends while mom and dad aren’t watching. So remember, eat drink and be merry, but make sure everyone is twenty-one.